New Moon in Taurus – 23rd April 2020
Active from 26th April to 7th May 2020
A new moon means that the moon and the sun have come together in the night sky to begin a new cycle. The Moon in astrology is fast moving and travels through the entire zodiac in just 27 days. However, the Sun is moving too, and it takes a further two and a half days for the Moon to catch up with the Sun and start a new lunar cycle. This extra time means that every month we have a new moon in a new sign, and every year we have a new moon beginning in each of the twelve zodiac signs. But, the new moons (and full moons) are never identical because we need to take into account the relationship between the two luminaries and every other moving planet.
If you are wondering about the three-day discrepancy between the day of the new moon and the day of the chart’s possible commencement, it’s because you are waiting until the moon gains a physical presence in the night sky. This occurs about three days after new moon as the crescent moon starts to take form and makes a brief appearance over the western horizon. Many cultures used the Moon’s first visibility as a crucial factor in determining the timing for their religious celebrations and began important administrative duties after the three-day pause – so it seems only fair to honour the tradition and acknowledge the crescent moon as the true commencement date.
With this rule in mind, I have accounted for the three-day difference in the headings for the New Moon chart shown below. For instance, April’s New Moon occurs on 23rd April but its impact will not be felt until 26th April and similarly, May’s New Moon chart is set for 22nd May but will not truly commence until 25th May (chart not shown).
The planets’ degrees and signs are critical to the interpretation of a new moon and full moon charts. The most important planet in a new moon chart – apart from the Sun and Moon – is the one which rules the sign in which the two luminaries meet at each new moon. In the April New Moon this planet will be Venus. In the May New Moon chart, when both luminaries are in Gemini, the planet Mercury will be the ruling planet, or dispositor, of both Sun and Moon. Any close aspects which the Sun and Moon’s dispositor makes to other planets will be critical as to how the next two weeks will unfold. The importance of the luminaries’ dispositor cannot be under-estimated.
For the purpose of this blog the text has to be broad and speak to the collective, rather than using specific details for individual charts – a pitfall of charts which apply to everyone, as we all experience the new and full moons throughout the year.
However, if you want to fit them specifically to your own life, look to see where the sign of Taurus lies in your natal chart. For simplicity, I would recommend using the Whole Sign chart but this choice is entirely up to you. I would be particularly interested in a Moon cycle if the degree of the luminaries creates an aspect to a planet in your chart. I would only look at 4th Harmonic aspects, that is conjunctions, oppositions and squares, and I would apply a very small orb of 3 or 4 degrees at the most.
When you place the New Moon in your chart, think of the house emphasis and the possibility of activity, focus or new beginnings in this area of your life. When you look at the Full Moon chart think about which house axis will be emphasised as the Sun and Moon lie across the axis in opposition.
Sun and Moon conjunct Uranus
Last year Uranus moved into Taurus and has been slowly traversing the low degrees of this earth sign. For the past six months the new moons have been occurring at the early degrees of their consecutive signs and Uranus has been making a variety of aspects in the charts of new and full moon over this period of time.
The planet Uranus symbolises sudden and often violent or dramatic changes in life’s circumstances. On a mundane level, Uranus is linked to revolutions, rises and falls in government, the fight for autonomy, radical alterations in economic stability, upheaval, and even physical phenomena such as earthquakes or tsunamis. On a personal level, Uranus talks about the individual’s desire for independence, their freedom to make their own choices, and the inexplicable changes that disrupt and forge new pathways in life’s direction.
The planet Uranus symbolises sudden and often violent or dramatic changes in life’s circumstances. On a mundane level, Uranus is linked to revolutions, rises and falls in government, the fight for autonomy, radical alterations in economic stability, upheaval, and even physical phenomena such as earthquakes or tsunamis. On a personal level, Uranus talks about the individual’s desire for independence, their freedom to make their own choices, and the inexplicable changes that disrupt and forge new pathways in life’s direction.
This will be the first time in almost ninety years that Uranus has travelled through the fixed earth sign of Taurus – its last ingress into Taurus occurred on 7th June 1934 – and yes, it is a big deal when Uranus is conjunct the new moon Sun and Moon. Needless to say, if you have important planets in your natal chart at similar degrees to the new moon Sun/Moon/Uranus (3 – 6 degrees Taurus), then you will be experiencing these changes in your life right now. Even regardless of the current coronavirus situation there are changes afoot, and any planets in the other fixed signs – Aquarius, Leo, or Scorpio – at these same degrees will also reverberate with this month’s moon cycle.
Sun and Moon square Saturn
Saturn’s aspect to both Sun and Moon is significant in reading how this next fortnight will unfold. The exact 90 degree square took place between Saturn and the Sun two days earlier than new moon, on 21st April, when the Sun was at 1 degree Taurus. The square between Saturn and the Moon is much closer to the New Moon chart as this occurred a few hours earlier, and the tight right-angle is also noteworthy. This separating square indicates that Saturn is a significant player during the waxing phases of this cycle, especially given that a large majority of the world’s population is practising self-isolation due to Covid-19.
Few astrological combinations better describe the loneliness, fear and strain on mental and bodily health than a Saturn square Moon aspect. This contact reminds us of our attachments, not only to the people we love who are in essential services, but to the older members of our families and community who are likely to suffer most in this pandemic. Saturn Moon aspects cover the health-care professionals who are working tirelessly and putting themselves at risk. The Moon is the regulator for the patterns of our daily lives and we have had to disrupt and abandon them during this time – leaving us feeling that we are drifting and separated from all that makes us feel safe and secure in our routines. Saturn is the lord of Time, and our bodies are experiencing a different relationship to time now – we often don’t know what day it is when we first wake, and we have little control over how we now find purpose and closure at the end of a day.
Saturn Moon sees our reality changing daily as we are constantly bombarded by images of famous cities where day and night we should be seeing movement and constant noise and activity. But these cities are silent now, save for ambulances, police and military personnel rushing through empty streets from one crisis to another. Grief, worry, and sadness are our daily companions and the next two weeks will be much the same as the new moon cycle unfolds.
Saturn also squares the Sun, and our leaders across the world are scrambling to keep order and enforce the restrictions placed on their citizens. Part of the problem that a square creates is the feeling of rarely ‘getting it right’ and with every passing day, their authority is questioned and their actions examined. They too are overwhelmed by a new reality in which public and private debt rises as quickly as infection and casualty rates.
Saturn square Sun is the astrological equivalent of saying ‘you can’t please everyone’. You may not be a world leader, but if this square resonates with your natal chart then you may be experiencing this in some way in your life. In fact, trying to achieve anything right now threatens to pit you against Saturn’s two biggest barriers – an unsuitable moment in time and scarce resources.
Moreover, if the Saturn/Sun square is active in your chart, then Uranus is also likely playing its part in the unfolding drama. Perhaps a more worthwhile quote for this cycle is the Chinese proverb which advises:
If your strength is small, don’t carry heavy burdens.
Venus (Luminaries’ Dispositor) trine Mars
Venus is the ruler of Taurus which makes it the dispositor of both the Sun and Moon in this new moon chart. Venus is currently moving through the middle degrees of Gemini, a sign of sociability and connectedness through similar ideas and open communication.
The trine from Venus to Mars, also in an air sign, is symbolic of the sudden shift from in-person interaction to connecting over internet platforms such as Skype, Messenger, and Zoom. Working, learning, and socializing from home have become the new norm and we have had to adapt quickly in these times of social isolation. We are becoming accustomed to our leaders, politicians, experts and analysts giving advice from the inner sanctum of their homes and offices – places to which we would normally not have access as the lines between professional and private begin to blur.
The air Venus trine Mars sees interests, hobbies and exercise being reinvented and home projects that have been gathering dust for years being hastily resurrected as social-isolation looks set to continue throughout this coming month. We may be living more physically isolated lives but daily contact has become increasingly important as we call, message and reach out to connect to our loved ones and the outside world.
Venus trine Mars describes the league of musicians, authors, actors, comedians and all manner of artistic individuals have been forced to take their shows on the virtual highway in order to survive. And we as audience members seek online platforms to fulfil our need to be entertained, distracted and comforted.
If either of these planets resonates with your natal chart, this may be a fortnight where relationships are highlighted. They may begin quickly in a new format where conversation takes the place of physical contact, or existing relationships may buckle under the strain of co-habitation!
Dates to Remember in this New Moon Fortnight
23rd April 2020
The Moon will reach 6 degrees of Taurus six hours after the new moon and will conjunct Uranus on the same day. If you are feeling frantic or ‘out of sorts’ then it’s a good idea to counter this frenetic energy by making good use of the element of earth, in which these two planets meet. Gardening, walking, planning a new activity which is going to be easily achievable within the next month, spending time with a beloved pet, or tidying and clearing out a cluttered space are all good uses for this Moon Uranus combination. If you do take on the last suggestion, make sure you put the discarded items somewhere you can find them again once this energy has passed. Don’t call someone up to address an old problem as you are likely to get carried away and have to apologize later in the week when Moon conjuncts Venus.
26th April 2020
The Moon will conjunct Venus (Sun/Moon dispositor) at the crescent phase when the new moon is visible in the night sky and the chart really starts to take effect. If you are out and about during the evening, say between 6pm and 8pm, you should be rewarded with the stunning vision of a scythe-like crescent moon alongside ‘the shining one’. You may need the comfort and joy this sight brings as this is the same day that the Sun conjuncts Uranus – after a day of turmoil and inconsistencies, the sight of the Moon with Venus can soothe your soul and put a much-needed smile on your face. Sun with Uranus may see you railing against the lockdown and frustrated that an end is not close at hand, but remember who you are doing this for, and that you are doing it to protect others rather than yourself. The image of Moon with Venus should remind you that your sacrifices are not in vain.
30th April 2020
On this day the Moon will firstly oppose Saturn and your feelings of loss, fears for someone’s safety, or your own isolation may intensify during this time. This is one week after the new moon occurs and it is often a crisis point in the monthly cycle. So with Moon opposite Saturn this month that crisis feeling may be particularly intense. Furthermore, just ten hours later the Moon will also square Uranus – another reminder of the conjunction in the new moon chart. This may lift the mood and bring a sense of relief, but it may also lead to actions that are erratic or an emotional upheaval.
6th May 2020
In the day which precedes the full moon, the travelling Moon will square Saturn and once more remind you that your emotions are on a tightrope and that even the simple tasks in life are today fraught with difficulty and complications that may be outside of your control.
If this weren’t enough to fray your nerves and give you a sleepless night, 12 hours later the Moon will oppose Uranus and you will remember that this has been an exhausting two weeks which has tested you in every possible way. The good news is that the Moon will pass the opposition to Uranus before full moon and will not carry its signature into the last two weeks of the moon’s cycle.
The conflict between staying in isolation (Saturn) and sacrificing our personal freedom (Uranus) is symbolised by the square between Saturn and Uranus and is emphasised by the involvement of the Sun and Moon in Taurus, and looking forward it seems the Taurus New Moon will continue to challenge us all. However, Venus being the Ruler of Taurus will also bring a much needed reminder that in these times of unprecedented crisis, there are every-day acts of kindness and love taking place all around us.
So while these dates are worth keeping in mind during this difficult time, when it can feel like the reality of our world has come crashing down and the burden of adjusting to new rules and restrictions is heavy on us all, so too is the reminder to us all to be kind to ourselves and those around us.
I wish you all good health, wellbeing and safety during this very difficult Taurus New Moon and will leave you with some final words of wisdom:
This too shall pass.
It may pass like a kidney stone.
But it will pass.
Please revisit the site in a week’s time as I will be following it up with a look at the upcoming Full Moon chart on 7th May 2020.
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