Today is the sixth blog in the series of The Firdaria Diaries which I began six weeks ago. In that time we have travelled once around the chart and visited each of the twelve houses which feature in the profections of one year = one sign/house in the Whole Sign house system.
And in that time I have discovered one important fact. I am a terrible blogger. If there was a rating for bloggers, I wouldn’t make it on the scale unless it included the minus range. I don’t know how to be flippant, funny or fast. And I don’t have pretty pictures to go with my text.
My blog is not one you’re going to be able to read in the time it takes to make a cuppa, blog during the TV ads, or heaven forbid, pull up quickly while you’re waiting for the lights to change. If you make it all the way through one of my blogs on The Firdaria Diaries, you’ve worked hard. And it’s going take more than one quick speed-reading session to understand this stuff.
But if you do make the effort, I promise you that it is worth your time, and your brain cells. Firdaria, and profections, work. End of story. But only you can prove it. That is, if you are prepared to use hindsight to look back at what was happening in your life at the ages examined so far. Or to consider its possibilities if you are currently going through any of these time periods.
So in concession to all the real bloggers out there on the cloud, I am going to remove the “L” for ‘light entertainment’ and instead refer to myself forthwith as a ‘bogger’. You will get bogged down when you are wading through this amount of new information. In an age of Instagram, Reddit, and FB, you will wonder why you felt compelled to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to read, understand, and process this stuff that’s been dug up from the 1st century.
But, if you’re interested in astrology, especially traditional astrology, I hope you’ll keep visiting and that eventually you’ll be happy to wallow through it with me. Because I’m going to keep going until I get to the end. That’s what boggers do. So read on……and Welcome to My Bog!
Profections: Moving Forward Through the Houses
30 years old : SEVENTH HOUSE
Twelve years ago we looked at the seventh house as we entered adulthood at the tender age of eighteen. Now, at thirty, gone are the days of our second decade, Saturn’s Return has left its mark, and the illusions of youth, especially where love is concerned, have faded and reality has taken its place. The seventh house stands in opposition to the first house, the place of beginnings, and turning thirty can feel as though the whole world in general, and our partner in particular, is antagonizing us for no good reason.
Thirty is often an exhausting year and feelings of being caught between ‘a rock and a hard place’ are common during this time. Allies can be hard to find, friends seem distant and preoccupied, and sympathy and a kind shoulder to rest upon seem to be in short supply at the moment. You may be reeling after the break-up of a relationship and the ‘we’ you thought was forever has somehow turned into a ‘me’.
Seventh house years are often a year of re-adjustment, re-assessment, or re-evaluation – basically a struggle between wanting someone near and dear, but fearing that the cost to your independence is suddenly too great a price to pay.
31 years old : EIGHTH HOUSE
At the thirty first birthday the profection moves forward to the house following the seventh house of relationships. Sometimes there is a flow-on effect from one house to the next, and in this case it may be about finances and shared resources, especially if the previous year has broken a connection, or a new partnership has been forged.
The eighth house is not an easy house, and this is not an easy year, as events happen quickly and circumstances can change the ebb and flow of a contented life. It’s often a year when you, or the people who surround you, are going through chaos and whilst you may not personally be involved in the action, it can leave you questioning your own choices, or feeling insecure about your future.
32 years old : NINTH HOUSE
The ninth house is a house of expansion either through the physical world of foreign travel or study, or through the experimentation of all things metaphysical – meditation, spirituality, philosophy, etc. At thirty two years of age the desire to expand your world is strong so opinions are questioned, new possibilities are turned into reality, and the unfounded fear that life is passing you by is one that might make you jump your ship of safety and take off for wild adventure.
The planet that rules your own ninth house will offer up plenty of suggestions and new distractions but before you leap on them, consider first if you are prepared to let go of the ‘old’, in order to embrace the ‘new’. Promise and price are critical to ninth house decisions – what does your ruling planet promise (and can it deliver)? What price will the ruling planet ask in order to fulfil its promise?
Profections Summary for 30: 31: 32 years of age
Firdaria: Time Portions Belonging to the Planets
This is the second time when, during the same three year blocks of The Firdaria Diaries, BOTH diurnal and nocturnal births will experience a new long-term Firdaria ruler. The time before this occurred in the 18 -20 age range when diurnal births changed to Mercury at eighteen and nocturnal births changed to Jupiter at twenty.
This time daytime births, that is, those born between 6 am to 6 pm, will complete their thirteen year Mercury period and exchange Mercury for the Moon at the age of thirty one. The Moon will preside over the next nine years until the day-timer begins a new decade, and a new Firdaria lord, by turning forty.
Night births, that is, those individuals born between the hours of 6 pm to 6 am will have a changing of the guard on their thirty second birthday when Jupiter retires (after a twelve year shift) and Mars takes its place as the guardian of the chart. Mars governs for seven years and night-timers will encounter its influence until their thirty ninth birthday.
It’s worth remembering that if you’re partnered with a person of roughly the same age as yourself but from the opposite side of Firdaria, (ie. you were born during the day and they were born during the night, or vice versa), you will be entering a Moon Firdaria at approximately the same time as they start a Mars Firdaria (or vice versa).
This is not always a good combination for peace and tranquility and any weaknesses in the relationship are likely to become open warfare as the conflicting Firdarias come into effect. Moon (diurnal Firdaria) is looking for compromise, settling down, and emotional support whilst Mars (nocturnal Firdaria) is gearing up for battle with defensive behaviour, armoured emotions and heightened flight or fight reflexes. Love may not be enough to hold it together.
Daytime Births 30 – 32 years of age
DAYTIME BIRTH – Age at Birthday : 30 years
Major Long-term Lord: MERCURY (Years)
Minor Short-term Lord: VENUS (Months)
At the beginning of this new decade Mercury, the planet with the longest major period, will still be directing, producing and editing the film entitled ‘This is Your Life’. However, Venus will be the planet providing all the players and the action will be focused on love, friendship and the pleasures of the world. Many of the themes which coincide with a seventh house profected year which also focuses on the people whom you interact with and who influence your decisions and behaviour.
In modern astrology Mercury, the planet of communication, and Venus, the planet of love, are thought to be quite compatible. After all, wooing involves song lyrics, poetry, and literature dedicated to the art of love. However, in traditional circles these two planets are not on good terms and the Firdaria can show the tension that lies between them. Frivolity and flirtation upsets serious contemplation and rather than being an easy year, thirty can carry a theme of frustration, mixed messages and the pursuit of a pointless or disappointing liaison.
DAYTIME BIRTH – Age at Birthday: 31 years
Major Lord: Years
MOON for 9 years – Start of New Long-term Period
The thirty first birthday marks the beginning of a new nine year period for those born during the day. The Moon is an honoured luminary, but it takes second place to the Sun which is the most significant luminary in a day time chart. For this reason, it takes a little time for the Moon to warm to its task as a major Firdaria lord and the shift from the light of outer glory to the shadowy world of inner reflection is unsettling for many people born during the day.
Suddenly the Moon is querying their motives and asking awkward questions such as ‘Are you happy? Do you feel satisfied with your life? Are you loved and loving? Do you have a meaningful purpose?’
It’s no longer enough to be successful, envied, cashed up or at the top of the totem pole – all things that the Sun loves but which the Moon doesn’t value above happiness, contentment, or other people’s care or nourishment. The Moon is people orientated and in the same way as it carries the reflected light of the sun, so too does it look for the ‘light of others’ to provide it with meaning and purpose.
Now the profected eighth house starts to make sense as one lunar crisis follows another. If the Sun embodies clarity, light, purposefulness and clear direction, the Moon is the antithesis of all these principles. To the ancient’s mind, bad things happened under the cloak of darkness. Vision was impaired, dark deals were done and only robbers and murderers roamed the dark streets as they came out to do their business. Witches and harlots were the only kind of woman you were likely to meet under the Moon’s light as all respectable women were safely tucked up in their husband’s beds at night.
The psyche of the diurnal mind still carries some of the fears of the sun’s loss and the old myths of ‘things that go bump in the night’ so the Moon’s Firdaria is foreign for some who fear her influence or dread her probing questions.
Minor Lord: Months
MOON – Start of New Short-term Period of 15 months
In Firdaria the same planet which is the major lord always has the first shift for the initial short-term period. The Moon is the female counterpart to the masculine Sun and if being ‘female’ invokes certain negative aspects of winning battles through niggling, nagging, diminishing, withdrawing, withholding, or in fact any passive aggressive behaviour, then the Moon will use any or all of these methods to force the individual to rethink their current pathway.
This first period is only the beginning of the Moon’s displeasure if the individual continues to ignore its hints on how to live a better life. If, at the end of the first fifteen month short-term period, the Moon has not proven successful at making the necessary adjustments, then it will send in Saturn, followed by Jupiter, Mars, the Sun itself, Venus and Mercury to each provide their own perspective on why you are making a total dog’s breakfast of your life.
DAYTIME BIRTH – Age at Birthday: 32 years
Long-term Lord: MOON
Short-term Lord: MOON
At the thirty second birthday the Moon is stressing the importance of emotional stability, health lifestyle choices and good dietary options as it gently steers the individual towards a strong physical and emotional constitution. You had better hope you are paying attention to the Moon as four months into this year things are going to get a lot tougher as the Moon hands over to Saturn.
32 years and 4 months
Short-term Lord Changes from MOON to SATURN
Long-term Lord: MOON
NEW Short-term Lord: SATURN
This is likely to be a bumpy handover if you have been living life large and largely ignoring the complaints of the Moon. It’s the Moon’s job to direct Saturn, and it’s Saturn’s job to obey the Moon’s directives but that does not mean that either party is happy about the arrangement.
Family squabbles, ill health, exhaustion and emotional upheavals, separations and just general anarchy are common during Saturn’s fifteen month term. You would think that this is at odds with a profected ninth house year. However, new experiences and breaking the mold often entails alienating those who care about us but think we have totally lost the plot.
Night Births 30 – 32 years of age
NIGHT BIRTH – Age at Birthday : 30 years
Major Long-term Lord: JUPITER (Years)
Minor Short-term Lord: MOON (Months)
The beginning of this year might prove to be a short few months of respite and recovery given that the last year belonged to the difficult sixth house, and this year the profection moves to a stronger and more energetic seventh house. The year is not without its dramas but you are likely to feel more in command of your life and physically or emotionally stronger in dealing with those who oppose you.
Jupiter directs the Moon for the first four months of this year and these two planets have an amicable relationship in terms of helping one another. The Moon is your major luminary and it will try to find ways in which you can explore what, or who, makes you happy during this brief time in your life. You might have unrealistic expectations of those you love, but that’s okay, the Moon and Jupiter are both generous planets, so they will forgive any shortcomings and hopefully, give the person another chance to prove their love or loyalty to you.
30 years and 4 months
Short-term Lord Changes from MOON to SATURN
Long-term Lord: JUPITER
NEW Short-term Lord: SATURN
Sorry, but the honeymoon is over for this year. Moon has passed the baton to Saturn and cold reality is starting to replace the warm glow that the Moon has provided over the previous twenty month period.
Jupiter does not cope well with Saturn and many of its benefits have the tendency to wither and dry up under Saturn’s supervision. The best that can be said for this combination is that it will give you plenty of opportunity to knuckle down and work hard for your successes.
It is still a profected seventh house year, but whilst the Moon looked towards lovers and friends for support, Saturn will find open enemies who envy Jupiter’s successes and question whether you have the right to feel so good about yourself.
Saturn is the final short-term ruler of Jupiter’s twelve year term and if you have taken any shortcuts during this time (and don’t we all, if we can get away with it?), then Saturn will search for any weaknesses and deliver them straight into the open arms of your enemy. Take some time to look back and discover them for yourself as it’s better that you find them, before they do!
NIGHT BIRTH – Age at Birthday: 31 years
Long-term Lord: JUPITER
Short-term Lord: SATURN
If Saturn is causing you a few headaches or a few sleepless nights, take heart as this is its last year under Jupiter’s reign. If the previous eight months have been difficult for you then you may not be out of the woods yet. Some money issues may arise and you can find yourself a bit skint under Saturn’s rule.
The combination of Jupiter and Saturn is very much about the tension between plenty (Jupiter) and scarcity (Saturn): having too much and having too little whether it be money, opportunities, ambition, success, love, anything really that you can think of.
Jupiter says ‘You should have it! You deserve it’ whilst Saturn asks ‘Why? What have you done to deserve it?’ so there is plenty going on in your head as well as loads of practical examples in your daily life of times when reality has failed to deliver your expectations. It’s an exhausting combination as neither planet wants to give space to the other and you’re the one caught in the middle.
NIGHT BIRTH – Age at Birthday: 32 years
Major Lord: Years
MARS for 7 years – Start of New Long-term Period
The thirty second birthday marks the beginning of a new 7 year period for those born during the night. Mars is the planet which signifies passion, energy, courage, short-term ambitions and the male persona. Mars is also a nocturnal planet so it is literally ‘in its element’ in a night-time chart.
After going through a gruelling Jupiter / Saturn period of twenty two months Mars should be a breath of fresh air. But that’s going to depend on how he sits in your chart. Is he is good condition? Is he strong? Powerful? Determined and single-minded? We hope so as otherwise there are some rocky times ahead in the next seven years.
Minor Lord: Months
MARS – Start of New Short-term Period of 12 months
In Firdaria the same planet which is the major lord always has the first shift for the initial short-term period. Mars gets to flex its muscles in the first year and as there are seven planets and seven years for Mars, each planet gets exactly one year to be Mars’ short-term ruler.
Mars will change its short-term ruler at every new birthday and this means that profection and Firdaria will change at exactly the same time. For the next seven years, as you change house emphasis, so too will you be given a new planet to fulfil Mars’ somewhat contrary wishes. Some years it will work well and the significant area of life will compliment the new Firdaria ruler. But other years will highlight conflict and trouble between you, and someone else in your life.
At thirty two, the ninth house is your profected house of interest. Mars thrives in this year with new and exciting travel plans or the challenge of study or new interests or pursuits. Under Mars’ influence caution gets thrown to the wind and the pull of new horizons and new adventures is very strong.
This is an excellent age for night-timers to come out and stretch their wings as they will be surprised at how much can be achieved in a Mars Firdaria if they have the courage to break free and explore the brave new world around them.
4 Responses to The Firdaria Diaries: The Three Years of 30, 31, 32